Proudly 100% Made In Australia timber slabs

Our Camphor Laurel Cutting Boards Are 100% From Recycled Timber

I am very pleased and proud to say that our boards are Proudly 100% Made In Australia. The timber used in the manufacture of our cutting boards is recycled. This includes our cheese boards including all of the fruit platters. All are sourced from the beautiful east coast of Australia.

The clumps of trees sitting on top of the rolling hill in the distance are Camphor Laurel trees. Local dairy cows in this area on the Sunshine Coast, love the shade of the trees on hot days.

The issue arises when the trees take over the local creeks and rivers. Camphor Laurel trees end up taking all the land at the water’s edge and surround.  Unfortunately, this stops any local native flora from growing, No permit is needed in most areas in Australia to remove the tree.

First introduced into Australia in the early 1800s, it has had plenty of time to take over and establish itself in many areas, in particular, Northern New Sale Wales and southeast Queensland.

All of the Camphor Laurel Cutting Boards are recycled from the timber removed from these areas.

The timber is delivered in slab form with a gab in between each slab to allow the timber to dry evenly. If left to dry on its own undercover it takes approximately one year for every 25 mm to dry to 12% moisture content. The timber needs to be at a low moisture content. When you take home any Camphor Laurel timber product, you can be assured that it won’t split. Important to prevent cracks forming where food can sit and create health issues for you and your family.

The Camphor Laurel Is Kiln Dried

Kiln dried speeds up the drying process. Attaching moisture sensors through the slabs gives total control over the drying time. Once the kiln is loaded then the door is closed to create a closed controlled space. Depending on how green the timber is, it may take up to six weeks to reduce the moisture content to 12%.

Have questions? I’m more than happy to answer them if I can, so contact us.

Remember – All our boards are Proudly 100% Made In Australia.


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